The Pitfalls of Automated Interviews: Why Human Interaction is Still Essential

The Limitations of Automated Interviews

The use of automated interviews, also known as AI or virtual interviews, has become increasingly common in today's digital age. Given their ability to reduce costs and time to hire, more companies are using these systems to screen and select job candidates. However, it is important to keep in mind that automated interviews do have a few shortcomings that need to be understood when utilizing this new technology in your recruitment process.

In this blog, we will explore the limitations of automated interviews and why they should not be the only step in their recruitment process. We will also discuss how you can overcome these constraints through the addition of face-to-face interviews (in-person or virtually) to significantly increase your hiring success. 

1. Lack of Personal Connection

Automated interviews lack the personal connection necessary for an effective interview. A traditional interview allows the interviewer to connect with the candidate on a personal level, which allows for a better understanding of the candidate's personality and work style.

However, with automated interviews, this personal connection is lost, which can lead to a poor understanding of the candidate's character, personality, and overall fit for the position and company culture. Without the benefit of nonverbal cues and social interaction identified during a face-to-face interview, it can be challenging to accurately assess a candidate's communication skills, attitude, and other essential soft skills for success in many roles.

2. Lack of Flexibility

For an interview to be comprehensive and impactful, it is crucial for it to be adaptable in terms of the questions posed, the interview's length, and the overall atmosphere, which enables both parties to adjust to the candidate's responses and steer the discussion towards a more profound level. With an automated interview, the candidate is limited to a predetermined set of questions and a predetermined time frame, which can lead to a poor candidate experience and leave the hiring party with questions. 

While early on in your recruitment process saving time and money through automated interviews may make sense to get to a narrower pool of applicants, it will be important to have the added flexibility a face-to-face provides. It is vital to find a balance between the two in order to stay relevant and adapt to the future of hiring.

3. Impersonal Experience

Automated interviews can feel impersonal and robotic, which can lead to a poor candidate experience –– something that can significantly impact your company’s brand. Candidates may feel like they are talking to a machine, rather than a human, which can result in a lack of engagement and enthusiasm. This impersonal experience can also damage the company's reputation, as candidates may share their negative experiences with others.

Related: How To Build Trust With Your Top Candidates

4. Biased Selection

While technology has been said to help fight human biases, automated interviews can still have biases toward certain types of candidates. The system may have biases towards certain demographics, such as age, race, or gender, which can lead to unfair and discriminatory hiring practices. Even though they are often unintentional, they can still have a significant impact on the candidate selection process.

5. Technical Glitches

Technical glitches are one of the main causes of poor candidate experiences, as they often occur in automated or even virtual interviews. These technical glitches can range from poor audio quality to system crashes, which can cause candidates to become frustrated and lose interest in the position. In some cases, technical issues can also result in the loss of potentially good candidates, who may not be able to complete the interview process due to system errors. 

If you incorporate technology into your hiring process, it is important to ensure all systems and processes are thoroughly tested before implementing them. It is also essential to provide support and training for both recruiters and candidates to guarantee that they can navigate the technology effectively and without issue. Taking these steps can not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your hiring process but also help to create a positive candidate experience and promote your company's reputation as a tech-savvy and forward-thinking organization.

6. Inability to Gauge Non-Verbal Cues

Automated interviews cannot gauge non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, that come out in a live interaction. These cues can be critical in understanding a candidate's level of interest, confidence, and honesty. With an automated interview, it is difficult to gauge these cues due to the impersonal method and practiced responses, which can lead to a poor understanding of the candidate's suitability for the job.

7. Limited Scope of Questions

Many automated interviews lack a broad scope of questions, therefore limiting their ability to identify the candidate's qualifications and experience. These questions are often predetermined and do not allow for a targeted follow-up to a candidate’s answer, which can result in a lack of understanding of the candidate's capabilities and accomplishments. This limitation can be especially problematic for complex roles that require in-depth knowledge and expertise, where a more comprehensive understanding of the candidate's competence is essential.

Streamline Hiring with an Executive Search Partner

While automated interviews may seem like a time-saving and efficient method for companies to screen and select job candidates, there are negative aspects of this technology that companies should carefully consider before deciding to rely solely on automated interviews for their candidate selection process.

Here at Kinsley Sarn, we have created a proprietary process to source talent and assess their qualifications holistically –– resulting in well-rounded candidates with the perfect blend of skills, experiences, and passion. Our future-forward mentality allows us to implement the latest strategies and gives our partners the upper hand when searching for top-tier executive talent. 

If you would like to learn more about how our process works and the benefits it can provide your organization, do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to discussing how we can assist you with your hiring needs.

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